

Astrology and Human Design: Master Your Relationships

Dates TBA

Have you ever wanted a deeper dive into the Astrology of relationships? Curious about Human Design as well? How do these two archetypes play off one another?

Join us for a three-part series and take a journey into the heart of understanding what makes us connect. In this groundbreaking, virtual workshop you'll learn:

In Astrology:
         • Why some couples have a "3rd party" in their relationship in the form of a composite chart
         • How the planet Venus affects the type of realtionships we like to attract in our lives and why so many of us ignore our Venus energy

In Human Design:
         • How to access your tailored blueprint to attract the right relationships for you
         • How to navigate relationships with others depending on their unique makeup to foster more depth, connection, and harmony

And more!

Past Events

Somatic Astrology: A Personal Empowerment Workshop

Thursday, August 1st, 2024

How often does fear hold you back from your dreams?

What would you create if you were able to reframe your doubts, insecurities, and "shoulds" in your life and transform them into your strengths? How would your life look?

Join us in a revolutionary deep dive into the true Astrological role of Saturn in our birth charts. After getting nice and cozy with our new friend Saturn we will invite you to take a somatic journey to meeting and greeting the lessons Saturn is working to teach you. 

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