Week of January 6th, 2025
Week of January 6th, 2025
Enter My Maze
6 out of 10 Stars
Have you ever wandered into one of those corn mazes that are popular during the Halloween season? Usually some farmer with too much time on their hands and no sense of self-preservation will convert their precious corn into a gigantic labyrinth, often charging upwards of $10 per person to enter. These poor souls will then wander around for hours dealing with an impending sense of aimlessness and purposelessness until they find a bunch of clues, get mildly worried, and then mercifully reach the entrance again. Time to go home. The kids are hungry.
Life is exactly like that maze.
Don’t believe me? Consider this:
Many of us are out there every day running in circles working hard and trying to survive so that someone with greater financial power can continue their enterprise, watching ants mill about restlessly all day with a sense of mild bemusement.
During our endeavor to survive, we have a map if we are lucky. This map is given a name while we are still young and figuring out who we actually are. It is called a career path. There is an ultimate goal attached to the end of this path which is usually some level of measurable financial or professional success in our chosen fields.
We know there is a way to achieve this goal, because others have done it. But we have no idea how to get there ourselves. If we are lucky, we will get through this maze relatively painlessly and can get home by lunchtime. Or by the age of 60 or so. The Mazemaker is $10 richer.
But many of us wander for years, hitting dead end after dead end, the maze growing foggier and mistier as we go. We hit another fork in the road. Didn’t this fork look exactly like the one we took five years ago? Are we going in circles? Are we losing ourselves in the process?
Yes to both.
Perhaps the only true way to “beat” the maze and retain some semblance of ourselves is to either not play (see trust fund babies or others born into wealth) or to become the maze-maker. Dig out a plot of land from the crops you reap like a patient Virgo you are, and watch the rest of the world solve your puzzle. Simple, right?
The hardest thing to face about this reality is the following:
Some problems have no solutions. Some mazes are born of broken systems, and those systems are inherently going to create more lost, wandering souls.
If the latter is you, the only way to beat the maze isn’t to be born rich or to lose yourself along the way. The only way to beat the maze is to do something else for Halloween.
There are other fun games we can play, after all. It’s a shame our culture seems to insist that the maze is the best Halloween activity, and we should all consider ourselves lucky to wander its corridors endlessly. The Maze makes us free, so they say. One day we will solve the riddle, find the path out, and can go home to our tired kids, our Halloween candy, our homes in the suburbs, our Nintendo Switch, our Ford F-150 and do it all again next year. We’ve finally escaped.
This Week’s Transits
All that existential dread aside, the energy should feel quite a bit more intuitive and aligned this week. I bring up mazes because we do start the week with a Mercury/Neptune square, which will definitely make us feel a little lost in a fog. This is not a good time to make any plans based on logic alone. Definitely a good time to connect to your intuition and trust your gut instincts, especially on Monday. And especially about people.
The energy goes from challenging early in the week and a little confusing, to much calmer and softer as the week progresses, but still a little confusing. Mars in Trine with Neptune as it slides back into Cancer should get us all feeling a little bit more emotionally in touch and in tune with our intuitions. Even if we can’t exactly see where we are going, if you trust your hunches right now, you will not go wrong.
Enjoy the week ahead, and carry a foglamp with you!
Words of wisdom: There is a big difference between when we want to do, what we think we should do, what our intuition tells us to do, and what other people tell us to do. Often these are four completely different things. No wonder we are all lost!
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