Week of January 27th, 2025
Week of January 27th, 2025
Manufacturing Fear
8 out of 10 Stars
Things have seemed rather… dark of late. Last week I wrote all about the power of focus and how tuning out of all the crazy world events might not be such a bad idea right now. Boycott the news, right? Well, I’m going to take a different approach this week but continue on the same subject. Consider this a follow-up to last week’s post about the bleak nature of the news and what you can do to make it all more bearable. I have another solution for you all today because I want to help you feel more optimistic this week. But I also believe every word you are about to read.
Amidst the endless negative press, the political volatility, and a collective feeling of isolation so many of us are struggling to understand, I am going to tell you something that may be truly difficult to fathom. Are you ready?
Everything is amazing, and we are at one of the most positive times in human history.
Before you spit your coffee all over your phone (or laptop, or whatever display you are using to read this article) hear me out:
There are actually some wonderful things occurring behind the scenes these days. We just are not seeing the positive things because the scary things that are force-fed to us by powerful entities are overwhelming our consciousness.
Because the news cycle is designed to make us feel scared. It’s designed to keep us in a constant state of anxiety and dread. It is designed to convince us that the world is going to come crashing down at any minute. It is designed, through this use of fear, to keep us hooked.
How does this work? Well, have you ever had the following thought: “if I were to miss a week of the news, what if something awful happened and I didn’t know about it?” It’s a psychological trick that the media knows well. It’s worked for decades.
“Be informed.” It’s everywhere. “Informed about what?” I ask in return. Do you know what “Be informed” really means? It means “be afraid.”
Things are actually amazing right now.
No, I’m not wearing rose-colored glasses. At least not the last time I checked. So where am I getting this bizarre take on life?
To see the positive, all one needs to do is zoom out a bit on the timeline we are in. If you are just looking at things in the context of 2025, then things may seem rather bleak this decade. A pandemic. Wars. Certain world leaders deciding to unambiguously and openly align with extremely dangerous political movements (you know what I am talking about here). Everything seems to be on fire. The world is on edge due to wars, corruption, extremism and aligning superpowers.
But let’s zoom out just a bit further, to the year 1925, exactly 100 years ago. Where were we then?
• In the most developed countries in the world the life expectancy was 58 or less.
• Diphtheria and Smallpox, much deadlier diseases than Covid, were running rampant.
• Over 60% of Americans lived below the poverty line. In most countries in the world, it was worse.
• Commercial flight was barely in its infancy and well out of reach for just about any common person.
• Racially motivated segregation and even violence was considered acceptable by much of society
• It was common to work well more than 60 hours per week in often grueling or dangerous conditions (see: Radium Girls)
And this was all during the Roaring 20’s, a decade that is commonly known for its prosperity
What do we have today instead?
• A more connected world than at any point in history. It is possible to have video calls with a room full of people from all over the world simultaneously
• Global life expectancy is higher than it has been at any point in human history
• Instead of being relegated to years and years of hard labor we have the options to choose from many different vocations, many of which we can do from the comfort of our homes in many countries
• Access to quality healthcare, sanitation and education is better today than it has ever been on a global scale
• If you have an interest in a hobby, sport or group, it is easier than ever to find like minded individuals and meet up with them through the power of online forums
• Travel to other places on the globe is easier than at any point in human history
I bet you can think of more.
I said this last week, but it bears repeating: I am not trying to gaslight you, I promise. I know there are a lot of problems, and some of the positives I listed above come with many of those problems. You will have to do a lot of convincing to get me to believe that social media is really all that healthy in it's current form, for example.
What I AM trying to do is encourage you to ignore a lot of the toxic news cycles you are seeing lately. They are designed to keep you in a state of fear, dread and anxiety so that you crave more news.
Remember: In a vacuum things can seem bleak. They can seem like anything at all as long as the vacuum creator has his say. But when looked at from a slightly wider lens… well, maybe things in the world are actually better than you might guess.
This Week’s Transits
This is actually a pretty energetic week in the skies, but in a positive direction. There is a powerful new Moon in Aquarius on Wednesday the 29th, and that is definitely an event worth talking about. What does it mean?
Well, under a new Moon we get to lay the groundwork for new beginnings, starting with a clean slate, so-to-speak. Aquarius is a scientific, revolutionary, and brilliant sign, and it wants change. This week is a fantastic week to begin to get new ideas you have been brewing on for some time off the ground. You may not be able to get a lot of visible forward momentum due to the retrograde Mars we’ve been dealing with for awhile, but you will be able to plant some seeds.
Mercury’s conjunction to Pluto and the new Moon intersecting these points forms a sort of triple conjunction and makes for a very powerful Moon. It’s the hallmark of a time where your weird, crazy, revolutionary ideas are begging to be heard. And your words will carry power this week! Pluto is powerful.
Say something bold. Say something daring. Say something that is from the very depths of your soul, and say it proudly to people who you once feared.
To add to this power, Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, will go direct again in its march toward Aries at the beginning of the zodiac. This is indeed a time to let your inner weirdo revolutionary out. Don’t live in fear this week. It’s a great week to be heard and to break free! You are wise and you DO have answers. You also have the power to make positive change. Don’t let the news convince you otherwise. You are not doomed.
Things calm down a bit over the weekend and the energy is softer and more peaceful. A good time to spend on more romantic or creative pursuits with Venus in conjunction to Neptune. Perhaps with your inner weirdo revolutionary this week you will attract the attention of someone brand new in your life. Someone who never would have looked your way had you not actually spoken your truth.
Happy Monday everyone! I will see you next week.
Words of wisdom: The only difference between a writer and a revolutionary is that one has a keyboard and the other has a keyword (ok, that’s more a web development joke than an actual word of wisdom. Point stands though - this is a good week to start a website!)
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