Week of January 20th, 2025
Week of January 20th, 2025
That Overwhelming Sense of Dread
4 out of 10 Stars
It’s been a hard time for so many of us. We are all tired. I am tired. You are probably tired. It is understandable, given the state of the world. How do we deal with this dreadful sense that things are not getting better and that this is only the beginning of one of the more chaotic and challenging times as humans?
Even if you are one of the uncommon lucky fish who is swimming along just fine in life right now, you probably can’t help but wonder why so many people around you seem to be struggling against crazy currents, and why there seems to be so much challenging energy around us. Sharks at every turn.
Whether you are swimming with the tide right now or dodging sharks, one thing you may not have considered is that we are more connected as a species than ever before in history.
With more connection comes more awareness. More awareness of the suffering in the world. Of depressing news stories. Of influencers telling us how we are supposed to feel about Israel. Of fires taking out swaths of major cities. Of certain leaders coming back to power. Fish are not aware of such things.
How do we solve these issues? Well, I have a solution, but it isn’t the one you might expect. To half get us there, let’s go back in time 200 years. Before Google News. Before Instagram reels. Before television. Before 60 Minutes on TV. Before the printing press. Before photography. Before electricity.
Back to a time when, I can promise you, there was a lot of death, destruction, pain and suffering in the world. For real.
Here is the catch: were we quite as aware of it back then? I can’t tell you, as I wasn’t alive in the 18th Century, and neither can anyone else you know.
I can guarantee that people were not calling women Karens (why is there not an equivalent term for annoying men?), watching people having mental breakdown on Delta Airlines, or worrying about the constant threat of a warming world.
What were we dealing with though? Malaria. Dying in your 30s. Extreme poverty. People getting eaten by bears at higher rates. Slavery. Death by strep throat.
You know where this is going.
As difficult as things may seem they are right now, and believe me, you are justified in feeling a little bit upset about the state of things, there has never been a perfect time in history.
I am not trying to gaslight you. Your fears are valid. However… what would happen if you just tuned it out? Shut it off? Pretended it didn’t exist?
What are you doing in this moment right now, as you read this newsletter? Are you sick? Have you eaten breakfast? What is right in front of you? Who are the people around you? What can you do today… no, in this moment, to feel connected to your environment?
What if you just stopped reading the news for awhile? Would you still be “informed”? How would your nervous system react?
Yes, the world will keep doing what it’s doing regardless. That’s a promise. But what will happen to you?
Maybe you’ll actually be a bit more present. Maybe you will still find out what’s going on through your friends and family. Maybe you won’t, but the clock will keep ticking, the rest of the fish will keep swimming against the current, and you still will need to eat your breakfast.
Maybe you will start to feel a little better.
This Week’s Transits
The biggest day of the week in the skies, much like last week, actually happens right at the outset. Instead of a powerful and emotionally transformative full Moon in Cancer this week we get a Sun/Pluto conjunction at the beginning of the week at the beginning of Aquarius, signaling the beginning of a new era.
This transit is a minor one, but it does showcase an energetic shift to more Aquarian energies in the world, despite the Pluto conjunction being centered around powerful individuals gaining yet more power. Lovely. This part of the energy isn’t ideal, and there may be a great deal of frustration with a side of sadness with a dash of helplessness among the majority of us.
By Thursday the 23rd we will already be dealing with a lot of chaotic energy from Mercury oppositions to Mars aided by a Uranus trine. A lot of very rapid change this week and movement towards new horizons faster than we might be ready. A lot of us are going to feel angry this week.
The energy is much better as we head towards the weekend which is a more reflective and creative time. Maybe even a bit obstinate, as if to say, “The world can be as crazy as it wants. I’m still going to go on living and being me.” I advise that you take what I said to heart in the main part of the article above. It’s the best way to handle this energy.
Not to stick your head in the sand, but to be present and aware of what is important in your life. Mercury Sextile Neptune and Venus Sextile Uranus over the weekend will give us better powers of creativity and self-connection.
Words of wisdom: What makes you truly powerful and unique? What makes you more powerful than the darker forces in the world right now? That's ok if you aren't sure. That's why we take a news break from time to time.
This Week's Key Transits
Jan 21, 2025 - Sun Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
Jan 23, 2025 - Retrograde Mars Sextile Uranus
Jan 23, 2025 - Mercury Opposition Mars
Jan 23, 2025 - Mercury Trine Uranus
Jan 25, 2025 - Venus Trine Mars
Jan 26, 2025 - Mercury Sextile Neptune
Jan 26, 2025 - Venus Sextile Uranus
Most Harmonious Day of the Week:
Thursday, January 23rd
Most Challenging Days of the Week:
Tuesday, January 21st
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