Week of February 3rd, 2025

Week of February 3rd, 2025

On Love, Togetherness and the Future

6 out of 10 Stars

One of the most historically accepted rules in relationships is that the more we entangle our lives with our partner, the better. That the ultimate goal of partnership should be some kind of forever promise, to live together, make most decisions jointly, and celebrate a lifetime of enmeshment. Lately, the scale of togetherness has been moving violently in the other direction, with record numbers of singles, claims of chronic codependency, and many people swearing that they are happiest on their own. Our culture is all over the place on this subject lately.

So what actually makes people happy when it comes to partnership? Do we even know our own needs anymore?

First, let me start with this: no, we haven’t suddenly hit a time in history where we don’t need relationships. People don’t magically transform at a core level en masse short of a major evolutionary event. Despite all the quirky and fun pro-single psychobabble on social media (it seems like just about every ex partner was a narcissist, all men are riddled with problems, we are all codependent and nobody has any boundaries), our needs have not fundamentally changed.

Human beings are hardwired for partnership. We just are not keen on having our personal space invaded, or giving our personal decision-making power to another person, partner or not. Therein lies the problem, as culturally that is precisely what we have been conditioned to do for centuries.

Historically speaking, women were encouraged to be financially dependent on men. Religion espoused that marriage tenets were the unspoken law of the land and nobody dared go well into their 20s single for fear of being labelled a spinster.

What is changing of late? We are simply rebelling against that way of living. Not relationships themselves. The way we did them before. And it is especially women who are leading the way.

So where is this all going? How will future relationships look? Maybe something like this:

• Interdependency instead of codependency. Two independent people who have their own lives but who share partnership as equals.
• Choosing to be partnered instead of being culturally conditioned to require it
• Communication will be valued over unlimited patience and zero-effort faithfulness
• Not needing to live with partners but choosing to live with partners if members of the relationship desire it
• Promises of lifelong devotion no longer a default
• Monogamy as a choice rather than a default
• Marriage as a choice rather than a default
• People can choose if they want more traditional gender roles or want to try something different. Both will exist.

And for those of you who are worried about all the change, take heart. The future of relationships is NOT the following:

• Everyone on the planet is single and nobody has relationships any longer
• Women/non-binary people no longer date men and just date each other. Nobody dates men.
• All relationships will be more like friends with benefits
• People all live in communes and groups raise children rather than traditional parents
• Monogamy is completely dead
• Nobody gets married any longer
• Gender roles no longer exist at all

Relationships are absolutely transforming, and they are becoming something more practical and less based on tradion / religious ideals for all who are involved. These newer relationship styles are governed by the two individuals involved instead of by what society tells them they should do.

There is a lot of confusion right now because some countries, especially the US, are appearing to step backwards while a lot of the rest of the world is going slowly in the opposite direction.

Things will settle down in the future, but they will never look the same. That’s the hallmark of change, and change is the nature of relationships. No matter how hard you try to hold onto the status quo, no matter how much you cling to the person you fell in love with, that moment in time will always slip through your fingers to become something new.

Time to embrace it.

This Week’s Transits

There is a fair amount going on this week, so I’ll break it down into simpler categories. We can divide this week into two parts from an Astrological perspective:

Days that are February 4th, and days that are not February 4th.

The former category is all about this Tuesday, which has a lot of frenetic shifts in energy. If you can take Tuesday off from work, I might recommend it because you will probably not be feeling exactly like yourself that day. Venus heads into Aries which isn’t always the most natural sign for soft, loving Venus. It can make you feel amorous and not always in a healthy way! You may not be very receptive to intrusions of various natures on this Tuesday. You may want people out of your space.

The other big transit on Tuesday is that Jupiter starts moving forward again in Gemini. This one is much more pleasant and will encourage people to be more generous with their time and space in the coming months. The keyword here is space, as you may feel extra sensitive about having yours violated. That, combined with a Retrograde Mars / Chiron square and intrusions may feel almost personal.

Protect your personal bubble at all costs, energetically and even physically. Take the day off if you can.

The rest of the week is a little less crazy. The end of the week should be a little softer and Friday might even feel more productive than early in the week. People will be in a more respectful mood toward the end of the week and the connections you make should have a calmer influence.

As always, happy Monday to my wolf pack and I’ll see you next week!

Words of wisdom: A former partner once insinuated that I was not traditional enough for her. She wished I could be just a bit more like other men. We are no longer together. Despite the fact that this wish sounds fairly harmless, it is anything but. If you ever hear anything like this from a partner, run.

This Week's Key Transits

Feb 3, 2025 - Mercury Square Jupiter
Feb 4, 2025 - Jupiter Stations Direct
Feb 4, 2025 - Venus Goes into Aries
Feb 4, 2025 - Retrograde Mars Square Chiron
Feb 7, 2025 - Venus Sextile Pluto

Most Harmonious Day of the Week:
Thursday, February 6th

Most Challenging Day of the Week:
Tuesday, February 4th

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