Week of December 2nd 2024
Week of December 2nd, 2024
The Person in the Lake
4 out of 10 Stars
When you look into a clear, still lake, what do you see? Or, more to the point, WHO do you see? The person staring back at you isn’t actually you. It’s a projection of light and energy, and it’s giving you an approximate view of how you look from your perspective. But this perspective is muddied and distorted by ripples in the water and flitered light.
Here is the thing: as humans we think we have a pretty good idea of who we are. We define ourselves by our jobs, our relationships, and if we are really unlucky, our political beliefs. But in reality we are so much more than that.
Are we who we think we are, or who others think we are? Or both? Is our reflection accurate?
Certain transits this week might distort what we think of ourselves. We may not trust our own reflection as we get closer to the weekend. One big transit on December 6th is here to help, but it may not be the one you would consider. To navigate these energies, I recommend trying the following fun but helpful exercise this week. You’ll need two people to play:
1. Pick someone you feel pretty close with, and ask them to share five one-word descriptions that they feel sum you up pretty well. The only rule is that they must be simple, one word descriptions, like “creative” or “intelligent” or “reckless”. Hopefully they don’t choose the latter.
2. Before you look at their five descriptive words, try the exercise for yourself describing yourself in five, one word statements.
3. When both of you are done, compare. Here is the key with this exercise: any word that BOTH of you added is probably a little closer to the truth. Write the words down that you BOTH added and remember them.
4. You can play this game with as many people as you’d like, seeing which words come up the most, feeling more and more certain of who you are, and diving deeper and deeper into a narcissistic lake of happiness.
As for transits this week, the first half of the week is much calmer than the second half. We have a nice Venus/Uranus trine early on, which will definitely encourage us to bring out our more zany side. Be yourself.
Then we have a nice Venus/Neptune sextile on Wednesday which will bring an inspired, spiritual energy to our creative pursuits. Even if you feel that the creative energy you have to share with this world isn’t going to be well received, do it anyway. Sextiles indicate opportunity. Be creative. Be yourself.
However, on December 6th, a much more challenging energy in the skies begins, which is a Mars retrograde. Nobody really knows how to handle this retrograde, but there is a way, and it's below:
Mars stations on this day and begins to go backwards in the sky, a process that will continue until February 23rd, 2025. Remember what I said last week about Mercury retrograde and what retrograde cycles really mean? It’s time to slow down, and think about how we can expend our drive, passion and energy (Mars) inward rather than out into the world.
What does this inward drive really ask us to do? What does the search for self uncover?
Words of wisdom: Your reflection in the lake can only tell you so much about who you are, and others can only tell you so much about who you are. We need both to paint an accurate picture. There is a truth out there, and this week is a great week to begin a self-searching process. But, by all means, be yourself.
This Week's Key Transits
Dec 2, 2024 - Venus Trine Uranus
Dec 4, 2024 - Mercury Opposition Jupiter
Dec 4, 2024 - Venus Sextile Neptune
Dec 6, 2024 - Mars Stations to Retrograde
Dec 6, 2024 - Mercury Retrograde Square Saturn
Dec 6, 2024 - Venus in Aquarius
Dec 7, 2024 - Venus Conjunct Pluto
Dec 7, 2024 - Neptune Stations Direct
Most Harmonious Day of the Week:
Tuesday, December 3rd
Most Challenging Day of the Week:
Friday, December 6th
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