Week of December 23rd 2024
Week of December 23rd, 2024
The Endless Joy of Disbelief
3 out of 10 Stars
Our beliefs are important, but they may not matter in the grand scheme of life. Controversial statement? Absolutely. This is a very challenging reality most people eventually face; one that is often erroneously linked to the trials of becoming an adult. But this disillusionment with the idea that our dreams will all come true isn’t just a part of growing up. It also transfers to religion, politics, and spirituality. And when you let go of your beliefs tied to these subjects, where does that leave you? With just yourself. And that's why letting go of these identities is so scary.
This challenging concept is the highlight of the week, due to Jupiter’s square aspect to Saturn in the Mutable signs of Gemini and Pisces respectively. This is the “dreams not coming true” aspect. But there is a higher wisdom and greater lesson to be learned from what seems like massive disappointment here.
When was the last time you “grew out” of a phase of your identity? One where you believed something so strongly that it became an important part of your understanding of reality? I’m talking about things like outgrowing religious beliefs, your ties to an identity about a specific gender, or even the belief that your family members are infallible. Big things.
Here is the difficult truth of life: your beliefs shape how you interact with the world and others, but they don’t define who you really are. They just allow you to slip on a costume and go through life with others who you think believe as you do.
What happens what the group or belief structure does not allow you to live in a reality that works for you in a practical sense? What if Saturn comes knocking and says, “You can’t continue to be part of the church as a woman if you do not want to marry a man one day. Make a choice.”
While this is truly just an example and not coming from the experience of anyone I know, it is a good way to highlight the energy of this week. What do you believe so strongly in that it is getting in the way of you constructing the life you truly desire?
There are a lot of hard truths coming out and many of our beliefs may be shattered this week by reality. It won’t be easy, but you’ll finally be able to start slowly building the life you desire.
The Jupiter/Saturn square occurs on December 24th, and then two days later on Thursday the 26th we have a couple of difficult transits from Mercury to Jupiter and Saturn respectively. Not those two again!
That is a critical day in this cycle and it may be a very good day to ask yourself if the things you wish for are really serving you. As a thought experiment: what would happen if things you assumed were good for you were actually harming you, or vice versa? How might your life change?
Chiron goes direct to close out this week, which all the inward looking at our wounds, traumas and hurts can be processed a little better as we go into a brand new year.
Saturn is demanding your attention. No excuses. You know what hurts you. You know where you have felt disillusioned. You know what isn’t serving you. Time to build towards something greater.
Words of wisdom: What is something you believed to be true as a child that you no longer believe as an adult? What process did you need to go through to transform that belief? That is the same process you may feel energetically this week. Embrace it! It will make your holidays just a little bit easier.
This Week's Key Transits
Dec 24, 2024 - Jupiter Square Saturn
Dec 26, 2024 - Mercury Opposition Jupiter
Dec 26, 2024 - Mercury Square Saturn
Dec 27, 2024 - Venus Square Uranus
Dec 29, 2024 - Chiron Goes Direct
Most Harmonious Day of the Week:
Monday, December 23rd
Most Challenging Day of the Week:
Thursday, December 26th
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