

Sign Details

Ruler: Venus

House: 2nd House

Element: Earth

Modality: Fixed

Steady wins the race

Ah, Taurus - your ultimate loyal and steadfast friend. There’s nothing hurried or rushed about this energy. But whatever Taurus lacks in speed and agility, it makes up for in perseverance and consistent determination. For Taurus, a lack of momentum is rarely a sign of weakness or defeat. A slow climb up a mountain is still an accomplishment. After all, it is still a mountain. And Taurus often reaches great heights in life through sheer stubbornness and persistence.

Under the influence of Venus, Taurus possesses an earthy energy that is appealing to others due to an air of trustworthiness they possess. Not one to waste energy probing beneath the surface of things that do not require an explanation, Taurus is often content to sit peacefully in a proverbial garden and relax; or maybe get into a bath, surround itself with candles and take the night off. This sign works hard, but it is also amazing at knowing how and when to relax. In a similar manner to Aries, with Taurus energy what you see is generally what you get, and no amount of digging will bring you somewhere unexpected. But as friends of this sign soon learn, what you get from knowing a Taurus, even without the mystery, is a lot.

What makes Taurus consistent

Taurus craves love and peace above all else, even above money and material things, which it also enjoys, even if it refuses to admit it. While Taurus does have a bit of a hippie quality, its natives can range in personality from the steady, well-off corporate worker to the chill, laid-back artist. The one thing these vastly different archetypes have in common is that they are patient and low-key on the surface. It's all groovy.

Taurus can have great financial success once it finds a steady source of income as it will work tirelessly over a long period of time, often in the same environment for years on end. Restless Taureans do exist, but they are not generally happy being professional nomads, even if they won't admit this to themselves. They are looking for a steady place to shine, and to show off their gifts of creativity and dependability.

For those who capture the attention of a Taurus, they will be rewarded with a faithful and loyal friend or partner who can handle a lot of adversity and who is willing to stick with them through tough times. And even if Taurus won’t completely let you in, if you wound a Taurus, you’ll soon know it. No sign defends itself more capably, and Taurus will be quick to tell you when it feels slighted. If it does take serious offense, tread lightly; Taurus tends to hold a grudge longer than any other sign.

Taurus also tends to hold on more tightly than others to those it professes to love. That’s because with Taurus, there’s an inner drive for security and a strong need to possess. This quality can be softened by the prevalence of Gemini, Sagittarius, or Aquarius in the chart. This is a tendency that needs to be kept in check in order for the Taurus to have healthier connections. A challenge for those born with a heavy amount of Taurus in their birth charts is to learn that love cannot be owned and another person cannot be possessed.

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