

Sign Details

Ruler: Neptune

House: 12th House

Element: Water

Modality: Mutable

A vast ocean of wisdom

The dark, mysterious ocean is full of fish of bright, interesting colors, shapes, and sizes. There is no one-size-fits-all way to describe the final sign in the Zodiac, but we will certainly do our best. One general set of traits we can agree upon is that Pisces is imaginative, wise, and a bit hard to pin down. Pisces seems to see what’s beyond this lifetime, appearing otherworldly at times, with a one-foot-in-one-foot-out approach to everything it undertakes. A true creative force, Pisces listens everywhere for its artistic vision and inspiration.

Natives of this sign want the world to be a more beautiful, imaginative place and generally live a life that promotes this vision. They succeed at doing this even though the world is hardly always friendly to creative and spiritual types. Pisces’ dreamlike nature always keeps it slightly on the outside, looking in.

If you are wanting a friendship or relationship with one, they can be very difficult to pin down, and they never fully step 100% into anything they do. This isn't for lack of trying; they just know better than to do this. If being in love with a Pisces sounds like a fun adventure to you, you also might want to study Neptune transits. But I digress.

What makes Pisces dreamy

It may take years to really get to know a Pisces well, and some never fully reveal themselves, even to their closest friends and partners. This fish may be slippery, but deep down they do want love and connection as much as the next person. It's just that their desires and fears change and evolve over time. What they may find enchanting one year will look repulsive or uninteresting the next. The change doesn't happen lightning fast with this sign, but it does happen, not unlike a stream eroding a rock bed over time.

This sign never seems to be fully meshed with reality, always slightly in another realm. However, this suits them just fine, and in fact, their greatest strength lies in their connection to spirituality, creativity, and a world beyond which the rest of us can fully understand. If you are the philosophical type, try getting into a conversation with a Pisces about the afterlife, religion, or near-death experiences. I promise you will learn a heck of a lot more than you ever would guess. These Fish are really tuned in.

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