Associated Sign: Aquarius
Associated House: 11th House
Orbital Period: 84 Years
Breakthrough to the future
Feeling stuck in a rut? Bored? Wanting change desperately but don't know how to make it happen? Or even worse, are you afraid of change? Never fear! This electric planet brings all that is unexpected into our lives. It will come out of nowhere, shake things up, make a mess of your life, and leave just as quickly. Predicting what exactly Uranus will do when it hits a critical point in your chart is one of the most challenging things an astrologer can do. In fact, this is the only planet that remains completely unpredictable. One thing that astrologers can say without a doubt is that Uranus tends to bring radical transformation into our lives when we need it the most.
This crazy planet loves freedom and hates tradition just for the sake of tradition. Uranus is also very anti-institution and anti-structure. It works to tear down outdated structures we have imposed in our lives through Saturn's energy. But this is a necessary process; otherwise, growth would not be possible.
Ushering in a new era
Uranus rules everything revolutionary and scientific. It wants the human race to keep moving forward at lightning speed, replacing outdated modes of existence with newer and better realities. It can act as a bit of a trickster in our lives, never allowing us to feel too comfortable in our routines. It does this by creating a seemingly random life event that seems to have no purpose except to mess with you. However, there is always a method to its madness, and that method is always to get us out of our ruts so we can move forward and, in turn, help humankind advance.
This is one of those planets that affect people in vastly different manners. Do you love change and excitement? You'll do fine with Uranus transits and may even enjoy them. However, if you are very traditional, afraid of the unexpected, or don't like your proverbial boat being rocked than this planet can be harder to deal with than Saturn or Pluto.
The original rebel
Uranus, a strange electric-blue colored ball which is tilted wildly on its axis, spends 84 years rolling around the Sun, which is a lifetime for many of us. This crazy rebel refuses to even conform to the laws of other planets. It is wonderful as much as it is bizarre, and it is extremely important in answering the big question: "how do we improve our lives?"
These days you can find it as the source of newfangled ideas like alternative relationship styles, cryptocurrency, universal basic income, artificial intelligence, and more. While these ideas may be scary to some, it is a clue as to where humanity might be heading. You can't stop Uranus, and the more you try to hold on to your old, safe ideas, the more it will hurt when Uranus comes crashing in and destroys everything.
Uranus is ruled by the forward-thinking sign Aquarius, and its natural home is the eleventh house.
Learning Center
Feel free to select any of the signs, houses, or planets below to learn what their energies represent in Western Astrology. These brief descriptions will give you a quick bit of insight into the meanings of various Astrological points when read in a birth-chart or by transit.