


Associated Sign: Leo

Associated House: 5th House

Orbital Period: 1 Year

Essence of the self

When you check your daily horoscope in your favorite app or Astrological news article, your Sun sign is what you are looking up. While far from the entire story when describing a birth chart, the Sun is nevertheless the most important luminary in determining your driving energy in life. There is plenty of value in saying "I am a Sagittarius" or "I am a Virgo" and having a pretty good understanding of what kind of energy permeates your personality.

The truth comes to light

You see, the Sun is the greatest light from which we operate. As we transition from childhood towards adulthood, we learn to rely more and more on our own sources of strength to guide our lives and rely less on the light of others. If you want an accurate picture of where the Sun shows its beautiful radiance in your life, think about an activity, passion, or line of work that really excites you.

What really gets you going? What drives you out of bed to work tirelessly, regardless of the money, prestige, or societal expectation? Who are you at your core? Away from the craziness of this planet, of all your friends, family, and partners. Away from their expectations. This drive, passion, and sense of purpose are the Sun's energy being expressed.

In this way, the Sun represents passion, flow state, and your meaning for being.

In traditional Astrology, the Sun represents many things. You've likely heard of most of these: your ego, the father, your personality, the masculine, and even your sense of self. In truth, these are all parts of a whole picture that encompasses the solar energy in your life.

The most important thing about the energy of the Sun to remember is this: the more you live through your Sun's sign and house, the more aligned you will feel with your sense of purpose, and the more likely you will achieve great things in your life and feel fulfilled.

Finding yourself

No matter what other aspects you may have in your birth chart and no matter how afflicted your Sun may be via hostile aspects from other planets, the search for your Sun's energy is paramount in importance. It is akin to the search for the self. Once you connect with who you really are, nobody in this world can stop you from shining your light for others to benefit.

The Sun is ruled by the sign Leo, and its natural home in the zodiac is the fifth house.

Learning Center

Feel free to select any of the signs, houses, or planets below to learn what their energies represent in Western Astrology. These brief descriptions will give you a quick bit of insight into the meanings of various Astrological points when read in a birth-chart or by transit.

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