Associated Sign: Sagittarius
Associated House: 9th House
Orbital Period: 12 Years
Fortune smiling upon thee
The jovial giant Jupiter represents our first visit to one of the highly influential group of outer planets and celestial bodies in our solar system, beyond Mars. Jupiter, along with these other celestial bodies, is best understood for its influence in transit readings rather than personal, natal chart readings, as it takes a long time to move around the Sun, making its effects more generational than personal. Jupiter has many important and often life-changing lessons to teach us.
This wonderful orange planet is your best friend. It flies around the Sun in a twelve-year journey, bringing all of our gifts, wishes, and desires to us, neatly packaged and delivered to our doorsteps. Okay, maybe the gifts are not quite THAT neatly packaged. And sometimes we don't really enjoy a couple of those gifts as much as we originally imagined we would. More on that later.
Genie in a bottle
To understand Jupiter is to understand the concept of being granted a wish. Jupiter is the bringer of luck and fortune. It simply gives us what we think we want. It is the place in our birth charts where things just naturally seem to work well for us. New astrologers look forward to the transits of Jupiter in anticipation of all the good things it might bestow. They sit back, waiting for its influence before they decide to travel, apply for a dream job, or go out and hope to meet a special someone. What they do not understand is that Jupiter will grant you what you ask for, but sometimes there is a hidden price.
It may be wise to liken the influence of this planet to a Genie that grants you a bunch of wishes if you rub his lamp. Remember how well that worked out for Aladdin? Nothing really comes for free in life.
That thing you feel you have always wanted? If only you could have that, THEN you'd finally be happy. Then you'd be complete. Do you know why many lottery winners squander their earnings quickly? It's because they haven't mastered the skills needed to actually earn their winnings, so how could they be expected to handle it? That is Saturn's domain, by the way; the oft-maligned cosmic police officer who supposedly makes our lives miserable but is actually the real key to all our dreams coming true.
A lucky break
But enough maligning of Jupiter. In reality, most of the time this planet brings pleasant times, good vibes, and a general sense that things are going well in life. It shows where we are optimistic, generous, giving, and have hope that things will work out for the best. It allows us to have a good time and to do the things we love. Jupiter is a very important planet in Astrology, and we need it to show us how to have fun and enjoy life. That does not mean, however, that it offers a free ride!
Jupiter rules the sign Sagittarius and is naturally at home in the ninth house.
Learning Center
Feel free to select any of the signs, houses, or planets below to learn what their energies represent in Western Astrology. These brief descriptions will give you a quick bit of insight into the meanings of various Astrological points when read in a birth-chart or by transit.