Lunar Nodes

Lunar Nodes


Associated House: None

Orbital Period: 18.6 Years

Ride the lines of destiny

Unlike the other celestial bodies we cover in this series, the nodes of the Moon are not exactly tangible. Instead, they represent two points where the orbit of the Moon takes it in conjunction with the apparent path of the Sun. However, these two points, referred to in Astrology as the North Node and South Node, are very powerful energetic points that give us clues to our destiny.

These two points are always in exact opposition on a natal chart, but usually only the north node is labeled. The south node's position can be inferred as it is exactly in opposition to the north node. So if you have a north node in Cancer, then your south node will be in Capricorn. Unlike any celestial body when seen from Earth, these mathematical points actually move in a retrograde motion. This full backward rotation around the full zodiac takes slightly longer than 18 years to complete.

Soul portals

The North node represents the direction our souls are being called to evolve in this incarnation. The more we understand and pursue the path in life outlined by this nodal point, the more we will fulfill the destiny our souls are being called to accomplish throughout all of our lifetimes. You can also think of the north node as a symbolic exit point for our souls from this reality when we die. This may feel similar to the Ascendant, but it is actually a lot less tangible and is more based on completing the trials we have been called to conquer in this life.

The south node, in contrast, represents our past lives and also the gifts and natural energy we bring into this life. Living in this energy may seem like a good thing, but in reality, it isn't ideal to get too caught up in what we already have learned. This is why planets in close conjunction with the south node often feel "stuck" or like their gifts actually hold us back. A Sun or Moon conjunct this node can even indicate someone who refuses to change or is set in their ways. It's a very draining point in our birth charts. Kind of like going back to a former partner and being forced to have exactly the same relationship with them again. You can't return to the energies of a former life comfortably.

Yin and yang in astrology

The more we understand and follow the path our north node is calling us to follow, the faster our souls can leave this incarnation cycle behind and journey to unknown realms beyond this reality. But to do this, we do need to understand the South Node. This point in our birth charts highlights the journey we have already taken to get here. The mission outlined by the nodes is a journey well worth taking, even if we can't fully understand where this grand adventure truly ends!

Learning Center

Feel free to select any of the signs, houses, or planets below to learn what their energies represent in Western Astrology. These brief descriptions will give you a quick bit of insight into the meanings of various Astrological points when read in a birth-chart or by transit.

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