


Associated Sign: Virgo

Associated House: 6th House

Orbital Period: 51 Years

Your inner counselor

This half-centaur, not to be confused with Sagittarius, was the wisest and most revered, according to mythology. From a planetary perspective, Chiron is actually a comet that orbits irregularly around the realm of Jupiter and Saturn, though at times, it almost reaches as far out as Uranus. However, its astrological influence is fairly well-studied and clear. It is a major player in how we deal with the old wounds we have received during our various struggles and battles in life. We all carry scars from hurts we received long ago. Some of us have just learned to handle these wounds a bit better than others, usually by doing the inner work to allow them to finally heal so we can move on with our lives.

When you think of the term "walking wounded," you will get a pretty accurate image of someone who has not done the work Chiron asks of us. Of course, we can't physically see the emotional and spiritual scars people carry around, but we can easily observe their effects. Here are some examples: The jilted lover whose partner left the relationship to be with someone else and now refuses to fully open their heart. Or the post college grad who continues to work soul-sucking 9-to-5 jobs because they were told by their parents or a bad teacher that they are not "smart enough" to pursue a career they would enjoy more. Or a young mother who bore a stillborn child and is now terrified of getting pregnant again. This is how we can see the effects of not doing Chiron's work. Its wounds can end up being the result of a crisis that happened a long time ago.

Our healing journeys

What does doing the healing work Chiron demands of us look like? Well, it can involve therapy, journaling, and meditation. These things do help. But at its core, healing requires seeing the fear of being hurt again for what it is: it is just fear. If you can face this fear and vow to move forward anyway with newfound acceptance that there is no way to get through life unscathed, you are well on your way to feeling better. This process is easier said than done, but at the very least, our battles make for great stories. In the end, hurt is a part of living, and we can't avoid it forever.

Chiron in transit shows when we are being asked to examine the wounds we haven't tended to for long periods of time; therefore, they are considered to be challenging transits. However, they are also likely to leave us feeling much better after they leave than we did before they arrived.

Walking wounded

Similarly, Chiron in aspect to certain planets in a natal chart tends to highlight these areas in our psyche where we are more likely to hold on to past hurts and wounds. A well-aspected Chiron usually indicates someone who is good at facing pain and loss. These natives will grieve in a healthy manner and move on when someone close to them dies. They will not let life's natural course or a fear of loss prevent them from loving again.

Chiron rules the sign Virgo, and its natural home is in the sixth house.

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