7th House

Seventh House

House Details

Ruler: Libra

Lifecycle: Working Age Adult

Associated Planet: Eris

None of us are alone

The seventh house marks the beginning of the top half of the astrological wheel. The significance of the top half versus the bottom is that the former is more about the world at large rather than a smaller, more local, or personal sphere of influence. To deeply understand an astrological house, you can look to its opposite for clues. The bottom-half version of the house will be a simpler, more concrete, and sometimes opposite version of the often more profound and far-reaching effects of the equivalent top-half house.

In the case of the seventh house, it is opposite the first house. If the first house is deeply about the self and striking out into the world as an individual, the seventh house is its opposite in many respects; it is all about partnership and relationships with others.

Wedding bells

The seventh house rules one-on-one love affairs, marriage, life partnerships, business partnerships, legal agreements, prenups, and anything else that falls under the domain of connecting with others in all its forms. Seventh house agreements are usually one-on-one in nature, and sometimes connected to the law where it rules relationships.

For natives with a strong seventh house, such as those possessing a sun or moon in the house, partnership is an essential quality. This doesn't necessarily mean they should get married; however, it does mean that they can truly shine when they are connected with an "other," as this gives them the strength to really be themselves.

The house of partnership

One of the biggest life lessons for seventh house individuals is that they often cannot do it all alone, as much as they would like to try. And that is perfectly ok; we are an interconnected, interdependent species, one that craves partnership in all its forms. So, seventh house natives, do not fret! You can still be a strong, independent individual, but having a partner in all its forms can bring out the best in you.

In fact, one of the greatest lessons for natives with a strong seventh house is to balance the need to connect with others vs. the need to stand strong on their own.

While the seventh house rules one-on-one partnership of all kinds, there is one other item to note: if you have a celestial body near the descendant line, which is the rightmost point on the astrological wheel, the effect of the seventh house on this planet will be felt even more strongly. This point is of critical importance and signifies that an "other" will play a vital role in the basic functioning of this planetary energy.

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