10th House

Tenth House

House Details

Ruler: Capricorn

Lifecycle: Mature Adult

Associated Planet: Saturn

The greatest of aspirations

And now we reach the very top of the zodiac wheel. The Midheaven, which is the line at the top of the birth chart that denotes the beginning of the tenth house, is the point of our greatest accomplishments. It signifies that point in our lives we strive to achieve—our sense of purpose and the place where we reach for the stars. The tenth house is much more than just our jobs or even careers. It is also a symbol of what we are meant to give to the world as a parting gift when we die. It is the legacy we leave behind when we transition, fueling our sense of purpose.

When most practitioners of Astrology look at a birth chart to get a sense of what would be an ideal career path for an individual, the first place they look is the tenth house or Midheaven. They may look to the sign that exists at the top of the chart or even where the ruler of the Midheaven sits. These are great clues indeed, but it helps to remember that the tenth house is about much more than just a vocation.

What are your gifts?

All of us are born to share our unique gift with others. We each have a reason to be here; to improve the world, help the people around us, and continue this mad dance of life to ends we cannot yet see. This is what the tenth house really represents; it is our reason for being. And in that way, it is one of the most important and influential houses in the zodiac, both natally and during planets in transit.

A well-aspected tenth usually does denote an individual who can expect some degree of success if they put their hearts into their work. While the nature of the planets involved can dictate just how long or through how much effort it may take to see that success come to fruition, success usually does occur. An afflicted tenth house can definitely indicate the opposite or, at the very least, someone who puts unnecessary obstacles in their own path. Not everyone with challenging tenth house aspects throws bricks in their own way and then trips over them, but this behavior isn't exactly uncommon in such situations.

Great self-awareness and determination must be practiced to overcome such obstacles. Our greatest enemy indeed is often that person who stares at us in the mirror every morning.

The house of purpose

One thing is for certain: natives with a strong tenth house are acutely aware of their sense of purpose and will not rest or be satisfied until they feel connected to their calling. This may take some time, but with enough patience, work, and an honest, unafraid look inside, success is inevitable. Success might look different depending on who we are and how we define it, but it is the act of striving and reaching goals that define the energy this house bestows.

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Feel free to select any of the signs, houses, or planets below to learn what their energies represent in Western Astrology. These brief descriptions will give you a quick bit of insight into the meanings of various Astrological points when read in a birth-chart or by transit.

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