

Aspect Details

Angle: 90°

Energy: Challenging

Signs Apart: 3

School of hard knocks

Like the planet Saturn, Square aspects are given a bit of a bad rap in Astrology. Some of this is deserved, as it is true that this aspect denotes major tension between the two celestial bodies involved. Planets in square to one another are in inharmonious signs and often in incompatible houses as well, so their energy tends to work from differing viewpoints, causing major friction between them. Each planet needs to constantly adapt to the energy of the squaring planet. The result is that the energy of each planet doesn't tend to work as effectively.

However, with friction comes growth.

The violence of a river

Astrologers like to compare Squares to the concept of a raging river over a bed of rocks. Water and earth may not mix, but over time, the river erodes the rocks into a beautiful, smooth shape as the water glides continually across the surface. In essence, because the friction between the water and rock lasts for ages and ages, the water changes the nature of the rock. This is what square aspects do in a birth chart; they change the very nature of the planets involved into something stronger, more durable, and ultimately more capable.

In this manner, a square is the ultimate growth aspect. Through challenges, we can weather the storms of life and come out much stronger on the other side, ultimately bestowing our wisdom upon others so that they might suffer less. Squares, while difficult to endure, help us build immense strength of character, wisdom, and knowledge. People with many Squares in their birth charts often lead challenging lives or face endless personal obstacles. However, they are reliable, trustworthy, and will endure for hours, days, and weeks at a challenge, long after the rest of us have given up. This is one reason some of the best business owners, entrepreneurs, and people who have left their mark on the world have charts riddled with Squares. A life of ease just isn't a thing for these people.

Unlike the Opposition, the square denotes challenges within the native more than coming from a projection from the outside world. The two planets that square one another simply don't agree in their presentation, which causes internal conflict, anxiety, depression, and frustration. As with other aspects, the nature of Squares tend to depend quite a bit on the planets involved as well as the signs and houses. The Moon in square to Mars, for example, tends to make the native prone to angry outbursts and struggle to know appropriate times to express emotional energy. The square here shows an incompatibility between the desire to act (Mars) and the inner child's emotional need for expression (Moon).

How Squares work

Squares tend to have an orb of between 6 and 8 degrees between the planets at maximum. If this aspect is particularly close, say less than 1 degree apart between the affected celestial bodies, then this aspect can become the crux of one's life, requiring the native to resolve the issue before they can evolve to become their best self.

A chart that is filled with mulitple Squares may also hold some Oppositions due to the nature of the 90-degree angles. These combinations can be a real challenge to handle, forming T-Squares and Grand Crosses in the birth chart. Either of these configurations will give the native a massive life challenge to overcome, but will bring not only personal strength of will but also humility and emapthy for others who struggle.

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Feel free to select any of the signs, houses, or planets below to learn what their energies represent in Western Astrology. These brief descriptions will give you a quick bit of insight into the meanings of various Astrological points when read in a birth-chart or by transit.

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