

Aspect Details

Angle: 60°

Energy: Easy

Signs Apart: 2

Opportunity is a knock away

In many ways, the Sextile is the most positive of all the Astrological aspects. While the Trine seems to get all the glory, it is the Sextile that actually allows a degree of choice when an opportunity presents itself. You see, Trines signify the gifts you are given at birth or when the occur in transits, they show easy, automatic energy between two Astrological points. The keyword here is automatic. Trines just happen, and the native doesn't necessarily have an option to opt out. You are receiving those good things whether you want them or not! However, with a Sextile, you are presented with a great opportunity for a gift or to grow, but you need to make the choice as to whether or not you want to open the door to this greatness. Because you can choose, this gives a sense of agency in the decision to shoot for a better life.

In the end, this is what Sextiles are truly all about: our own agency. They show us ways that we can improve our lives if we opt to utilize the energies between the two points or planets in question. We all have the power in life of choice. Of course, when we have too many options, we can enter a state of paralysis and then struggle to make anything happen. Too many Sextiles in the chart might bestow this paradox of choice onto the native. However, in general Sextiles are wonderful aspects.

Let your intuition be your guide

If you feel an intuitive nudge to travel to a certain place, to take up a certain hobby, or connect with a certain person at a certain place and time, it might be your Sextile aspect alerting you to an intriguing new possibility to follow. Similar to other aspects, the planets or celestial bodies involved in the aspect, as well as the signs, matter a great deal in determining the nature of these opportunities. Venus in Sextile to Uranus, for example, allows for an unusual or enhanced taste in relationships and personal expression. These people can choose to follow their own path where relationships are concerned and would then rarely get stuck in relationship ruts because they love authentically. Mercury in Sextile to Chiron suggests someone who has an ability to get to the root of other people's wounds and heal them from pain by using their enhanced cerebral and deductive powers. But in both cases, the native still has to be the one to walk through the door and develop these otherwise latent opportunities.

How Sextiles work

Sextiles are two signs apart so they are in signs that share the same energy polarity. Astrologers usually use a 4 to 6-degree orb for a Sextile, though up to 8 degrees can sometimes be felt when the Sun or Moon are involved. Sextiles to the Ascendant with larger orbs should also be considered, especially in a birth chart.

This aspect is sometimes considered by a few Astrologers to be like a weak Trine. However, this is not an accurate assessment when you look deeper at the true meaning of this gentle aspect. Trines have a very different energy than Sextiles. Neither is it accurate to say that Sextiles are "Good, but not as good as trines." Both aspects have a generally harmonious energy, though each has a drawback that is unique. Either way, seeing many Sextiles in a birth chart usually indicates a life where choice is highlighted. And who doesn't love having options? A person who is riddled with Sextiles is likely to be a little bit on the free sprited side as well, much like the aspect.

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Feel free to select any of the signs, houses, or planets below to learn what their energies represent in Western Astrology. These brief descriptions will give you a quick bit of insight into the meanings of various Astrological points when read in a birth-chart or by transit.

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