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Cosmic Chemistry: Unlocking the Astrology of Compatibility, Love & Attraction

Friday, April 25th, 2025 • 6:30pm - 8:30pm Arizona Time • The Ninth House, Tucson, AZ

Have you wondered why certain people seem like they would make a great partner on paper, only to get into a relationship and it is less than ideal?

Have you found yourself feeling a strong connection with someone but something always seems to get in the way of a relationship? Are you curious as to why opposites attract? Do you want to better understand the strengths and challenges you bring to a relationship?

In this exciting new class open to folks who are single, partnered and everything in between, Astrologer Mike Lazear will introduce participants to the foundations of Relationship Astrology, and illustrate how your birth chart drives the energy of who you attract into your life and what an ideal relationship will look like for you!

*This class requires that you know your birthdate, birth time, and location. If you don't know how to find that information, please email hello@theninthhouseshop.com for assistance.

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