Week of November 4th 2024
Week of November 4th, 2024
The Cycle of a Nation
7 out of 10 Stars
There is a tremendous amount of pressure on Astrologers this week, and in general right now. Can you guess why?
We all want to know. Who is going to win the election? And to that I say the following: Who do you think I am, Nostradamus? I'm just an Astrologer 🙂 But I do have some ideas.
The cycle we are under right now has happened before. Just not in America. If you study the Astrology of various countries, you’ll note that the USA is leaving a Pluto return right now, and this is a huge deal. Very few countries survive a Pluto return looking the same after the return as they did before it. Pluto forces us to let go of something. With a Pluto return, the thing you have to let go of is yourself. Not that I have any human counterparts with whom to study this effect. When was the last time you heard of some poor soul living to the ripe age of 200? The truth is, some historians mention that most empires last 250 years at maximum, which matches Pluto’s cycle pretty well. There are exceptions to this rule of course, but countries at that point will often change forms or go through a period of reinvention around that time.
Odds are right now you feel anxious. You feel stressed. And if you don't feel those things... well I would like to trade places with you. These are historic times, and the planets agree.
As for the specifics of this election? I am going to go out on a limb on this one and hope I don’t regret it next week. I disagree with what some Astrologers say that this will be drawn out and we may not know a winner for awhile. I don’t foresee a lot of confusion or massive delays this week. With a relatively calm week in the skies after the Mars-Pluto opposition (tensions will be running high right before the election, as will anger. No doubt about it) there isn’t actually a whole lot to convince me that there will be as much uncertainty as we might guess. The latest this thing goes is Thursday November 7th, when the Moon will enter Aquarius conjoining with Pluto and answer most unanswered questions. The Moon transits on Thursday in particular look like it could create some powerful moments, but I think the results of the election will be pretty clear by this date.
In the short run, I do anticipate a lot of the turmoil surrounding the great political divide to continue under this major Astrological transition, especially as November wears on past the election and we head towards the final Pluto transition into Aquarius. Buckle up. It won’t be easy, but there is a better future on the other side of this cycle. And at the very least, the energy this particular week is actually fairly positive. It could be a lot worse.
Here is something else to consider that might help you all breathe a little bit more easily: Pluto, the great bringer of renewal and regeneration, and the planet that can arguably be said to have ushered in all this chaos in America more than any other, heads into Aquarius on November 19th. We are entering a brand new era, letting go of Capricorn’s influence of money, power, climbing to the top, and traditional structures of business. Aquarius is about scientific advancement, humanity, creating new and uncharted structures and bettering the world. If that notion gives you hope, I feel it too, though it isn’t always easy to see.
In the big picture, things may not be quite as dire as they seem. I am crossing my fingers and toes for a specific outcome. You probably are as well. I am scared too, even though I'm an Astrologer. I'm not Nostradamus, after all.
Words of wisdom: Not knowing the future is scary. Sometimes knowing the future is even scarier. Is there some degree of contentment you can glean from the anticipation you feel right now, even if it is not related to the election cycle?
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